Gutenberg Block Plugin to display a shareable post on Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
June 27, 2024
Click 2 Share

The Click 2 Share plugin is a simple, one-click shareable block for the Gutenberg editor, making it effortless for blog visitors to share your content on Social media platforms such as Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit. This call to action in your blog will help you to grow your content visibility and visitor engagement.

Key Features

  • One-Click Share: Streamline the process of sharing blog posts, encouraging greater engagement and visibility on social media.
  • Mix and Match: Create text blocks for Meta Threads, X or Reddit on the same page. Every block can be different.
  • Gutenberg Block Integration: Seamlessly add the Click 2 Share block to any post or page using the Gutenberg editor.
  • Customizable Settings: Choose between dark and light base styles, set a username for attribution, and customize the default text for the share link. Further customization with CSS is possible.
  • Default Settings: Set the default settings to be applied to every new block created.
Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.