Add footnotes to your site using a simple, easy-to-read inline syntax ((by wrapping footnote content with double-parentheses)).
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February 3, 2020
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Civil Footnotes

Civil Footnotes is a WordPress plugin for adding footnotes on your blog. Civil Footnotes parses your posts for notes wrapped in ((double parenthesis)), then extracts that parenthesized text into a footnote list at the end of the post.

There are many solutions for managing footnotes within your WordPress website, but Civil Footnotes distinguishes itself from the rest with a simple, readable plain text syntax that works whether you’re using the WordPress block editor, a Markdown editor, or the classic editor plugin.

The majority of Civil Footnotes’ formatting is taken from the blog Daring Fireball, which first debuted this style of footnotes in 2005. The key difference is the addition of a title attribute to the footnote reference in the text which permits sighted mouse users to efficiently read the note by hovering their cursor over the reference number.


Civil Footnotes was originally created by Austin Sweeney and is currently maintained by K. Adam White.

License & Attribution

This plugin is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (or „GPL“). It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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