
CiviCRM Profile Sync

Keeps a WordPress User profile in sync with a CiviCRM Contact and integrates WordPress and CiviCRM Entities when using Advanced Custom Fields.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
May 17, 2024
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CiviCRM Profile Sync

WordPress Integration

At its simplest, the CiviCRM Profile Sync plugin keeps the „First Name“, „Last Name“, „Nickname“, „Email Address“ and „Website“ fields of a WordPress User Profile in sync with their corresponding fields in a CiviCRM Contact. The synchronisation takes place regardless of whether the changes are made in WordPress or CiviCRM.

BuddyPress Integration

The plugin also supports syncing the „First Name“ and „Last Name“ fields of the WordPress User and CiviCRM Contact with BuddyPress when using the BP xProfile WordPress User Sync plugin. Further integration with BuddyPress is in the pipeline.

ACF Integration

CiviCRM Profile Sync enables integration between CiviCRM Entities and WordPress Entities with data synced via Advanced Custom Fields.

Whilst ACF integration is not complete in its coverage of the CiviCRM Entities that can be linked, it is fairly comprehensive in its mapping of the built-in CiviCRM Custom Field Types with their corresponding ACF Field Types.

So if, for example, you want to display (or create) a Contact Type on your WordPress site with ACF Fields that contain synced CiviCRM data, this feature could work for you.

Please refer to the ACF Integration Documentation for details.

Form-building with ACF Extended

CiviCRM Profile Sync enables Forms to be built for the front-end of your website with the UI provided by the ACF Extended plugin. These Forms can send their data directly to CiviCRM in a similar (though more limited) way to Caldera Forms CiviCRM.

Form building with ACF Extended is at an early stage of development and is currently limited to submitting data for Contacts, Participants, Activities and Cases. This does, however, provide enough functionality to build some fairly powerful and useful Forms.

Please refer to the ACFE Form-building Documentation for details.


This plugin recommends a minimum of WordPress 4.9 and CiviCRM 5.23. It also requires BuddyPress 3.0 and the BP XProfile WordPress User Sync plugin for syncing „First Name“ and „Last Name“ with BuddyPress profiles.

Plugin Entwicklung

This plugin is in active development. For feature requests and bug reports (or if you’re a plugin author and want to contribute) please visit the plugin’s GitHub repository.

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