CG Dynamic Sidebar helps you to add/create multiple sidebar areas in your admin widgets screen. Easy Installation and Easy management.
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March 11, 2019
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CG Dynamic Sidebar

Are you looking for easy and robust way to manage your sidebar areas dynamically from wordpress admin ? CG Dynamic Sidebar is a suite of components which helps you to create your custom sidebar area and allows you to add upto 20 different sidebar areas which you can use them in your website.

CG Dynamic Sidebar is focused on ease of integration and ease of use. It is deliberately powerful plugin using which users can create their own sidebar easily without having any technical knowledge of how to create custom sidebars. Usage :

<?php dynamic_sidebar("my-custom-sidebar"); ?>


While adding your sidebar area you have option to keep your sidebar id, this id will be used to display your custom sidebar in page/post. If you have added a new sidebar with below details : Sidebar Title : My Custom Sidebar Sidebar id : my-custom-sidebar

Then, to use this sidebar, you have to use below PHP code in your sidebar.php or anywhere you want to show this sidebar.

<?php dynamic_sidebar("my-custom-sidebar"); ?>
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