
Callback for Monarch by Logic Hop

Callback for Monarch by Logic Hop adds a Javascript callback to the Monarch Social Sharing Plugin. Simply install the plugin and a callback is automat …
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December 1, 2016
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Callback for Monarch by Logic Hop

Callback for Monarch by Logic Hop adds a Javascript callback to the Monarch Social Sharing Plugin. Simply install the plugin and a callback is automatically available when any Monarch social share or follow button is clicked.

Now you can trigger custom events when a social share or follow button has been clicked. The callback is available for use in your pages, posts or Javascript files – Simply add the following code:

<script> function logichop_monarch_callback (stats) { console.log( 'logichop_monarch_callback' ); console.log( stats ); // Your Javascript code here } </script>

When a Monarch event is triggered the stats parameter is sent to the logichop_monarch_callback function with the following values:

  • action
    • The action performed. Typically ’share‘, ‚follow‘ or ‚media‘.
  • network
    • The network for which the action was triggered. ‚Facebook‘, ‚Twitter‘, etc.
  • media_url
    • Image URL when media is shared.
  • post_id
    • ID of the page or post where the button was triggered.

Interested in Content Personalization for WordPress? See how we’re using Monarch with Logic Hop – Check out our tutorial at:

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