Powerful easy, quick and simple social icons integration.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
August 8, 2017
BS Social Icons

BS Social Icons is a simple plugin which allows you to add (with link), modify and display social icons on your site very simply. You can easily put the social icons to your post/page/sidebar/header/footer or whenever you want where you can set content.

Key Features

  • You can upload your own social icons, set Links for those icons etc..
  • The shorcode [Bsoft_Social_Icon] is used to display your social icons on your site anywhere.
  • You will be able to add/edit/delete icons at dashboard menu ‚BS Social‘.
Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von WordPress.com sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
Getestet bis
Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.