Optimiere die Funktionalität deiner Website mit Plugins

Erweitere deine Website mit tausenden Plugins und profitiere von neuen Funktionen und Integrationen.

30 Plugins
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    HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
    von James Bradford
    Add syntax highlighting to WordPress code editors using CodeMirror.js
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    Enlighter - Customizable Syntax Highlighter
    von Andi Dittrich
    All-in-one Syntax Highlighting solution. Full Gutenberg and Classic Editor integration. Graphical theme customizer. Based on EnlighterJS.
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    Urvanov Syntax Highlighter
    von Fedor Urvanov, Aram Kocharyan
    Reincarnation of Crayon Syntax Highlighter. Syntax Highlighter supporting multiple languages, themes, fonts, highlighting from a URL, or post text.
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    CodeMirror Blocks
    von Vicky Agravat
    CodeMirror Blocks is useful for tutorial site where display formatted (highlighted) code block. With support of 100+ Language/Mode and 56 Themes.
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    von Stephen Harris
    Allows Markdown to be enabled in posts, comments and bbPress forums.
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    Gist GitHub Shortcode
    von Claudio Sanches
    Adds Github Gists in your posts via shortcode
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    AH Code Highlighter
    von Andreas Hecht
    The easiest to use code highlighting ever. Choose between 8 different color themes to highlight your code snippets. Many programming languages are sup …
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    APH Prism Syntax Highlighter
    von Agus Prawoto Hadi
    Bringing Prism into WordPress easily. User-friendly GUI, support both classic editor and block editor. Support tab & back-tab in the code editor.
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    iG:Syntax Hiliter
    von Amit Gupta
    A plugin to easily present source code on your site with syntax highlighting and formatting (as seen in code editors, IDEs).
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    Wordpress Code Snippet
    von Allan Collins
    This plugin will allow you to add code snippets to your pages/posts. This is great for code tutorial sites.
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    Better Code Editing
    von The WordPress Team
    Adding CodeMirror functionality to the Plugin and Theme file editors, as well as the Customizer Custom CSS box and Custom HTML widget.
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    SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: VHDL Brush
    von Carlos Ramos
    Adds support for the VHDL and Verilog languages to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. Also, includes basic syntax coloring for Xilinx UCF files.
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    Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter
    von Aleksey Nikiforov (lex)
    Your code will look exactly like it does on google-code.
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    Markdown Highlighter
    von Sohel Amin
    A plugin to parse the markdown content from post then highlight it as syntax highlight.
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    Smart Syntax
    von Smartpixels
    Automatic google prettify syntax highlighting for jetpack markdown fenced code blocks
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    Vaaky Highlighter
    von Raunak Gupta
    Simple yet elegant syntax or code highlighter based on highlight.js. It allows you to add engaging snippet code blocks.
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    Alkane Code
    von Alkane Solutions Ltd
    A TinyMCE code editor with Prism syntax highlighting.
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    APH Syntax Highlighter
    von Agus Prawoto Hadi
    Bringing SyntaxHighlighter 4 by Alex Gorbatchev into Wordpress easily. Easy to use with user-friendly GUI. Write-edit code in place
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    Lite Syntax Highlighting
    von Maksim Iliukovich
    Lite Syntax Highlighting: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, C
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    WP Code Eitor with Syntax Highlighter
    von odubanjo goke
    This wordpress plugin converts the default plain text theme and plugins editor in wordpress to a pretty code editor.