
Bears WooCommerce Product Quick View

This plugin is a addon of WooCommerce. Display button quick view on shop page allows users to get a quick look of products without opening the product …
Zuletzt aktualisiert
December 20, 2017
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Bears WooCommerce Product Quick View

Bears WooCommerce Quick View allows users to get a quick look of products without opening the product page.

Quick View Modal

WordPress how to install plugin The modal window shows the product’s:

  1. Main featured image
  2. Title
  3. Price
  4. Short description
  5. View button
  6. Cart buttons


  1. WooCommerce 3.x
  2. WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos
  3. WooCommerce Product Bundles

Changing Template

To customize template, create a folder ‚bears-woocommerce-product-quick-view‘ on your theme: Example (custom layout quick view button):

copy file: plugins/bears-woocommerce-product-quick-view/templates/loop/quick-view-button.php to your theme: your-theme/bears-woocommerce-product-quick-view/loop/quick-view-button.php -> edit the file.

Remove button quick view:

add_action('wp_head', 'remove_button_quick_view'); function remove_button_quick_view() { global $BWC_Product_Quick_View; remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array($BWC_Product_Quick_View, 'quick_view_button'), 5); }

Move button quick view:

global $BWC_Product_Quick_View; add_action('name action ...', array($BWC_Product_Quick_View, 'quick_view_button'), 15);


  1. add_action(‚bwc_product_quick_view_before_single_product‘, …);
  2. add_action(‚bwc_product_quick_view_after_single_product‘, …);
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.