
bbp profile information

For bbPress - adds fields to the bbp user profile and displays any combination of these under the authors avatar in topics and replies
Zuletzt aktualisiert
April 7, 2024
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This plugin for bbpress adds fields to the bbp user profile.

The web administrator sets up the field names, and the forum users populate their details.

  • Many sites would like to have the forum user’s location, so city and state, or country can be set up as fields
  • On a gaming site you could fields like favourite game, platform, level achieved, highest score, favourite character.
  • On a diet site you could let users have target weight, diet plan, weight lost so far etc.
  • On a film site you could have favourite film, best actor, film genre.
  • Or on a golf site you could have handicap.

In fact any pieces of information that your forum users might want to display.

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