A Sidebar widget to display the Author(s) profile on any Page or Post along with Social web links.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
February 7, 2017
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Author Spotlight (Widget)

Author Spotlight widget displays the profile of the author(s) with Social links (example: Twitter, Facebook) and his/her profile picture or Gravatar on any post or page that has an Author. The widget automatically detects the current author(s) of the displayed post or page; just drag and drop the widget on your sidebar and you are done.

To display a custom photograph with the Author’s Profile you may install the User Photo. In absence of this plugin the widget will fall-back to displaying the Gravatar associated with the user. If your posts have multiple authors you may use the Co-Authors Plus, the Author Spotlight will then display all the author profiles one below another for such post/page.

Note that installing the User Photo or Co-Author plugin is purely optional, this widget will work fine without them as well.

If you face any issues with the plugin or have any suggestion/feature requests please do so at the support forum.

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von WordPress.com sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
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