Allow2 Parental Freedom Platform The Allow2 WordPress plugin is a simple plug and play drop in component that empowers your site to offer full parent …
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May 7, 2018

Over 75% of US parents imposing limits on Electronic Devices, Social Media, and Gaming. Yet manufacturers, programmers and web site owners do not have the ability to build powerful Parental Control offerings into their products and sites. Those who try, end up implementing poor systems that only work in limited scenarios, and they do not talk to each other, so the overhead is increased for time-poor parents.

So parents who fear feeding addictive games, sites, and devices to their children do the only thing they can, they avoid buying games, avoid letting children use devices and avoid letting children join up on web sites and social networks.

But then they are torn… Torn between the worry they are not providing the right tools for the new generations to learn and deal with technology, and guilt if they give access to these tools unchecked, unable to have any say in guiding responsible use.

With the focus on technical addiction, Apple and Google being lobbied to provide the right systems in their products, console manufacturers and app builders trying to build capable solutions and spending huge amounts of money, we’ve lost sight of something important.

Why can’t we allow parents freedom to tech-enable their children AND use the addictive nature of these tools to help teach responsibility? Why can’t we simply provide the mechanisms to allow parents to BE parents and guide their children?

It’s not about Parental Controls! It’s about Parental Freedom! Allow2 is the only platform in the world that provides comprehensive Parental Freedom. And we give it to ALL developers, manufacturers and web site owners for free.

Wait… WHAT? You want to LIMIT access to my site?

Yes, of course. By providing this tool to your users, you multiply your addressable market many times immediately for free! You can double, and triple your user base in a very short period of time!

OK, how does it work?

Add this plugin and every account on your site can be linked to the Allow2 Parental Freedom Platform, with no cost or catch.

Again… Why would you want this? With 75% of US families try to impose restrictions on electronic devices and internet, NOT providing this capability REDUCES your potential user base.

Parents are under attack from every angle with technology. Everyone is so scared of screen time addiction and overuse of social networks and addictive gaming that they are simply spending less and saying \“no\“. They don\’t have the time or energy (nor the knowledge or desire) to fight with this barrage, so they simply avoid the problem by NOT using games and sites that do not provide the controls they need.

Our mission is to remove fear and friction in the home. By providing comprehensive and powerful parental controls, we remove the fear and time overheads, and allow parents to purchase more gamed, allow social account creation and relax with messaging with no guilt.

If your site wants more members, then provide the controls parents want to remove the barrier to entry. Let them feel safe and boost your numbers, both directly and by increasing referrals.

It’s simple:

  1. Install and activate this plugin
  2. Create a free account and set up your site as a „service“ on
  3. Connect the your site to Allow2 using the Allow2 Settings in WP-Admin
  4. Any user can now simply go into their child’s profile on your site and opt-in to Allow2.

The plugin then imposes „Internet“ access restrictions on your site!

So you do nothing and give Parents the Freedom to allow their family on to your site, knowing they can’t over-use the site or browse it when they are meant to be at school or in bed asleep.

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.