
Add BigFish Games Catalog

This plugin adds game catalog from to your Blog.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
July 23, 2009

This plugin adds game catalog from to your Blog.

The first significant difference is that you are sharing your customers with Big Fish Games. Big Fish Games then goes to work for you to extract a high lifetime value from the customer and you are paid 25% of their lifetime value for the duration of your partnership with Big Fish Games!

Support of all known types of games: PC, Macintosh, FREE Online games. Also 5 languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese) are supported all!

The plugin keeps some part of the data in metafields. If you wish to receive an example how to deduce the data of metafields in template WordPress you need to become my referral BigFishGames. Under this reference you can become my referral. If you are already registered in BigFishGames that you can buy a ready template. The price of a template of $100. Payment is possible through system WebMoney (Z231409672156). Plus to a template you can receive an additional script cron.php which will automatically add new games without your participation! If you became my referral, or have paid, for reception of additional files write on an e-mail or ICQ 338900566 To write to me it is necessary in English or in Russian. I do not know other languages!

See example at or
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.