
Remove WPMU Dashboard Install Nag

This plugin removes the nag notice at the top of WPMU plugins and themes.
آخر تحديث
December 13, 2015
التنصيبات النشطة

WPMU has great themes and plugins. Unfortunately, many, if not most, come with a nag notice that admins see about installing their notifications dashboard plugin. If you’ve bought one plugin for your site this is probably overkill. If you’re a developer you don’t need this on your client’s sites.

This is a simple plugin that removes the notice. The 1.3 version has been checked against WP 4.4 and recent WPMU plugins, but still should be backwards compatible with older versions of WPMU plugins.

Note: If you do decide to you install the WPMU notifications plugin, please deactivate this one first. Errors may occur if you don’t.

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