woo user redirect is an addon for woocommerce which will redirect restricted user to a custom page based on User Role
آخر تحديث
February 28, 2019
التنصيبات النشطة

woo user redirect plugin will provide you interface to restrict users to access any particular page on your site on the basis of there role. You will find the setting of this plugin on woocommerc=>settings=>user redirect

You can add any number of restricted pages list with redirect url for a user role by using this plugin. You can also add any custom page url by user role to restrict it

This plugin will redirect only logged in users to there prefered page which you specify in redirect url. This plugin is an extention for woocommerce so it will work only when woocommerce plugin is installed on your site.For more details or any help you can contact us on https://techmintra.com/contact/


1) Restrict access to a page for some user role 2) Define a page where you want to redirect users if they are on restricted page. 3) You can redirect to user to custom login page on the basis of user role. 4) You can define custom redirct for any page by adding there url on restriced setting.

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