
UGC Comments

The plugin allows you to manage the values of the "rel" attribute in comment links ("ugc", "nofollow").
آخر تحديث
April 14, 2024
التنصيبات النشطة
UGC Comments

The plugin allows you to manage the values of the “rel” attribute in comment links. You can enable or disable the "ugc" and "nofollow" values for all links in comments (separately for the comment author’s links and separately for links within the comment).

Help from Google:

rel="ugc": UGC stands for User Generated Content, and the ugc attribute value is recommended for links within user generated content, such as comments and forum posts.

rel="nofollow": Use this attribute for cases where you want to link to a page but don’t want to imply any type of endorsement, including passing along ranking credit to another page.

You can read more in the Google blog.

The plugin’s additional features include the ability to hide comment links from Yandex (by inverting them with <!––noindex––><!––/noindex––> tags).

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