
TP Next & Previous Button on Single Product Page

Shows next and previous product in single product view in same category.
آخر تحديث
November 7, 2021
التنصيبات النشطة
TP Next & Previous Button on Single Product Page

Show the previous and next product on the single product view of your store, from the same category, on the Top / Bottom the page.

Learn more about TP Next & Previous Button in Single Product Page Plugin features.

DEMO (coming soon)

Click Here to Get the Pro Version (coming soon)

Free Plugin Features

  • On/Off Next & Previous Button.
  • On/Off Next & Previous Button on Mobile.
  • Buttons Position – Top / Bottom.
  • Change Buttons Color.
  • Change Buttons Font Size.
  • Add Border to Buttons.
  • Change Next / Prev Labels.
  • Responsive Layout.
  • RTL support.
  • Working with Most of Premium themes.

PRO Plugin Features

  • On/Off Next & Previous Button.
  • On/Off Next & Previous Button on Mobile.
  • 6 Types of Buttons Position:
  1. Top.
  2. Bottom.
  3. Both (Top & Bottom).
  4. Fixed (Sticky in the middle).
  5. Fixed with Animation (Sticky in the middle).
  6. Fixed with Arrows & Tooltip (Sticky in the middle).

* Add Product Image. * Replace Next / Prev label with Product Name. * Change Buttons Color. * Change Buttons Font Size. * Change Arrows icons. * Add Border to Buttons. * Change Next / Prev Labels. * Responsive Layout. * Working with Most of Premium themes. * RTL support. * Custom CSS. * Custom Labels.

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