
Simple Google Analytics Tracking

Add Google Analytics to your site with just the Tracking ID through Simple Google Analytics Tracking.
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April 19, 2017
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Simple Google Analytics Tracking

Simple Google Analytics Tracking allows you to add Google Analytics to your WordPress site with only the Tracking ID. Once the Tracking ID is input the Google Analytics code is added automatically with your Tracking ID.

Simple Google Analytics Tracking does not track Editors and Administrators by default to prevent extra page views from showing up in your reports. Editors and Administrators can be allowed through the sgat_output_ga_code filter.


sgat_output_ga_code: used to override the default user tracking setting.

Example Usage:

add_filter( 'sgat_output_ga_code', 'sgat_override_user_settings' ); function sgat_override_user_settings() { return true; } sgat_tracking_id: used to add the Tracking ID programmatically.

Example Usage:

add_filter( 'sgat_tracking_id', 'sgat_custom_ga_tracking_id' ); function sgat_custom_ga_tracking_id( $tracking_id ) { $tracking_id = 'UA-123456-7'; return $tracking_id; } sgat_tracker_create_fields : Used to modify the information when creating the Google Analytics tracker.

Example Usage:

add_filter( 'sgat_tracker_create_fields', 'sgat_custom_tracker_create_fields' ); function sgat_custom_tracker_create_fields( $fields ) { $fields['siteSpeedSampleRate'] = 50; return $fields; } sgat_after_tracker : Used to add additional Google Analytics calls after the main tracker output.

Example Usage:

add_action( 'sgat_after_tracker', 'sgat_after_tracker_functionality’ ); function sgat_after_tracker_functionality() { echo "ga('send', 'event', 'MyCategory', 'MyAction', 'MyLabel', 50);"; }
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