

Allows you to easily add any Reddit comment page into your blog post via a shortcode.
آخر تحديث
March 2, 2015
التنصيبات النشطة

Do you love Reddit-style comments? Do you submit your blog post to Reddit only to find the discussion there is much more active than the one at your own blog? Do you wish you could show Reddit comments as they appear on Reddit on your own blog post?

With ReddiComments, you can! ReddiComments allows you to use a simple shortcode to embed ANY Reddit discussion in your blog posts.

Step 1: Submit your blog post to Reddit Step 2: Add this shortcode at the bottom of your blog post:

[reddiComments link=”http://link_to_your_comment_page_on_reddit”]

Step 3: Sit back and join the conversation on Reddit!

Please note: to get the Reddit comments, this plugin makes an external call to an API hosted at The only information it sends this API is the link that you provided – no private information is ever sent to or from the ReddiComments plugin.

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إذا قمت بالتثبيت، فإنك توافق على شروط خدمة ووردبريس.كوم وشروط إضافات الأطراف الثالثة.
التنصيبات النشطة
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تتوافر هذه الإضافة للتنزيل لتُستخدم في عملية التثبيت المستضافة ذاتيًا على ووردبريس لديك.