V2.3 Better sanitization of arguments coming in from POST and written to DB Better job using nonce. Uses relative address for plugin_url …
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April 11, 2018
التنصيبات النشطة
Read and Understood

Read-and-Understood is a solution to the “I didn’t get the memo” problem.

The Read and Understood (RnU) WordPress plugin offers readers the opportunity to record an acknowledgment that they have read a specific posting.

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One common use of RnU is by employers to record that employees have read postings in a specific, private category such as ‘internal’ which may only be seen by authorized, logged-in users. By doing so, the employee may assume responsibility for understanding the content and following any instructions, procedures, or policies contained in it.

These acknowledgments may then be accessed by administrators via a CSV file containing records created in a given date range. The records are exported using an Export button on the plugin’s setting page. In addition to exportation, the records are accessible through any technique used to access a typical MySql database such as PHPadmin, linked ables, or custom programming.

The acknowledgments may also be purged (deleted) using the PURGE button also found on the plugin’s setting page.

Optionally, the plugin may be configured to accept acknowledgments from users who are not logged-in. In that case, the user may enter any username desired provided that it meets an administrator specified format as defined by a regular expression. The default format for such usernames, if allowed, is 1-10 capital letters.

An Export file is a comma-separated value (CSV) text file which is generated from the administrative Settings Page.

There is header column that contains the post_title of any acknowledgments found within the specified date range.

Each row contains the RNU_USERNAME which may represent:

1) The WP username of the logged in reader who made one or more acknowledgments 2) If so configured, the username entered by a person who is NOT logged in 3) If "all Users" is checked to export, the WP username with no acknowledgments

Each row contains the RNU_USER_ID which may represent:

1) The user_id of the logged-in user who acknowledged the posting(s). 2) A zero "0", signifying that no person was logged in when the post was acknowledged 3) The user_id of person who acknowledged NO postings (and t.he ALL USERS option was selected)

Each row may contain an email address which corresponds to the non-zero RNU_USER_ID, regardless of whether any acknowledgments were made.

Also in each row, there may be a date/time in a cell in a column headed by a post_title. That date/time corresponds to when the user (row) acknowledged that post (column).

Note that username may NOT necessarily correspond to a unique user and may be repeated. In fact, if so configured, a person who is not logged in may enter the username of any person. For this reason, the User_id is also given in each row; which, if zero, means that the acknowledgment was made by a person not logged in who entered that username.

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التنصيبات النشطة
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