Qr code widget plugin for your WordPress sidebar. Qr code Adv displays QR codes of your site or any other external URL
آخر تحديث
July 20, 2012
التنصيبات النشطة

Qr Code Adv generates automatically QR code of your current page or home page and displays it in your sidebar. After installing Qr Code Adv you have to go into wp-admin/widgets.php and drag and drop our plugin Qr Code Adv into your sidebar. Thats it!

There are few options for advanced users to customize QR code design (Qr Code color, background color, title etc)

For experienced QR code advertisers there is an option to input QR Code Raw Data that will allow you to make your code do anything you want (create sms, create email, call some number etc)

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التنصيبات النشطة
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