Motion WordPress Plugin provide user friendly solution to beautiful CSS3 animations.
آخر تحديث
October 22, 2015
التنصيبات النشطة

Motion WordPress Plugin based on Motion UI by ZURB – a Sass library for creating CSS transitions and animations. Provide user friendly solution to beautiful CSS3 animations on WordPress Posts, Pages and Widgets.

Motion Demo

Some of the Key features Include:

  • CSS animations
  • CSS transitions
  • Allowing user to apply CSS3 animations on WordPress Posts, Pages and Widgets
  • Animation on Scroll, bases on wow.js
  • Different scroll offset on individual animation blocks
  • Delay to create a nice animation sequence
  • Animation duration
  • Enable or disable animations on mobile
  • Enable or disable checking for new elements on the page
  • Custom box class setting
  • Custom animate class setting
  • Custom CSS setting
  • Allow users to apply animation on WordPress Widgets

All the CSS3 animations are from Motion UI WOW.js are from WOW

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

[motion data-animate=”slideInUp” data-speed=”slow” data-easing=”linear” data-delay=”short-delay” data-animation=”shake” data-offset=”100″ custom_class=”your_custom_class”][/motion] Motion Demo

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