Mortgage rates widget for your blog. Free.
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July 22, 2023
التنصيبات النشطة
Mortgage Rates

Mortgage Rates is a great value-add for any mortgage officer or real estate agent looking to provide good-looking, functional, valuable mortgage content to readers. The execution of this infobox is superb from the smooth sidebar integration, modal window trend and AJAX-based graphs that are incredibly visually appealing. It’s a great little mortgage application that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way.

The mortgage plugin uses external JavaScript to update mortgage rates from served by CloudFlare CDN.

Mortgage Rates Shortcode

Use the shortcodes on different pages:


specify default values:

[mlrates state="NY" size="narrow"]

WordPress Mortgage Rates Plugin

Mortgage Rates Screenshots

  1. The Mortgage Rates front-end, as it appears in your WordPress Sidebar.
  2. The Trend Chart and Detailed Rates, as it appears when a visitor clicks the View Trend anchor.
  3. The Mortgage Rates widget configuration dialog, as it appears within WordPress Administration Interface.
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التنصيبات النشطة
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