JobLister is a free and open-source WordPress plugin that allows you to set up a job listing page on your WordPress website.
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June 6, 2024

JobLister is a free and open-source WordPress plugin that allows you to set up a job listing page on your WordPress website using a simple [jbls_jobs] shortcode. The plugin is powered by React and functions as a Single-page app, providing a range of features including a search functionality, filters, an application form, and a RTL-ready design.

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  • Free and Open Source: Collaborate with the community to improve JobLister.
  • Single Page Application with React: Offers lightning-fast interactions and a seamless user experience.
  • Versatile Job Listings Display:
    • Overview Mode: List jobs with search and filter capabilities.
    • Detail Mode: View job details and apply directly.
  • Efficient Job Search and Filter Functionality: Narrow down job searches by keywords, categories, location, type, and experience.
  • Enhanced URL Handling: Sync filters and search queries with the URL for better bookmarking and sharing.
  • Customization Settings: Personalize appearance and functionality with an intuitive settings page.
  • No Account Required: Applicants can submit job applications without the need to log in, ensuring a user-friendly and accessible process.
  • Convenient Pagination: Navigate through job listings with ease.
  • Shareable Links: Share job listings with others through shareable links.
  • Application Form: Apply easily using a form protected by Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless experience across all devices.
  • RTL-Ready Design: Supports right-to-left languages.
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تتوافر هذه الإضافة للتنزيل لتُستخدم في عملية التثبيت المستضافة ذاتيًا على ووردبريس لديك.