
Product Quick View for WooCommerce

Products Quick View for WooCommerce gives your customers a true supermarket shopping experience. In a supermarket shoppers browse products on the shel …
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August 27, 2019

Products Quick View for WooCommerce gives your customers a true supermarket shopping experience. In a supermarket shoppers browse products on the shelves, picking up the ones they are interested up, reading all the relevant information and either adding the item to their cart or putting it back on the shelf and continuing to browser. You can now give your customer exactly the same experience with WooCommerce Products Quick View.

FEATURES * Works on any theme. * Fully mobile responsive – if your theme is responsive it opens in its true responsive dimensions within the pop-up. * Show Quick View on hover over image or show as button or linked text under the image. * Mobile device optimized – all tablets and phones * Fully responsive

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