
ERP ShortLinks

A very lightweight plugin which adds a shortlink button to the post/page editor for quickly sharing on social platforms.
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October 13, 2017
ERP ShortLinks

This plugin is ultra lightweight. It adds a media button above the tinyMCE editor on both the page and post editor, which when pressed copies a shortlink to your clipboard.

The idea behind this plugin is to add short-linking capabilities, without all the bloated code found in other plugins. This plugin does not alter the database, nor is any data saved or collected. It uses the built in WordPresspost/page ID’s in the URL.

مجانيعلى خطة Creator
إذا قمت بالتثبيت، فإنك توافق على شروط خدمة ووردبريس.كوم وشروط إضافات الأطراف الثالثة.
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