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11 إضافة
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    AI Content Writing Assistant
    بواسطة ReCorp
    AI Content Writing Assistant - Content Writer, ChatGPT, Image Generator All in One generates high-quality, unique content and stunning images with jus …
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    AI WP Writer - автонаполнение сайта ChatGPT-3.5, GPT-4 и сгенерированными изображениями лучших нейросетей
    بواسطة AIpost
    Плагин для быстрой генерации статей с картинками в редакторе Wordpress и массовой генерации по списку ключевых фраз. Работает на основе ChatGPT 3.
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    Mooberry Book Manager
    بواسطة Mooberry Dreams
    Sell books via Amazon and other retailers directly from your author website with this easy-to-use system. Creates book pages, widgets, and book grids.
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    Author WIP Progress Bar
    بواسطة Alan Petersen
    Tested up to 6.5 The WIP Progress Bar plugin allows writers and authors to display beautiful progress bars on their WordPress websites via a Widget o …
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    HotSpot AI 热点创作
    بواسطة Eswlnk
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    Sunray Author Manager
    بواسطة Matthew Kressel
    A versatile plugin for writers to highlight their work, with a carousel slider and bibliography.
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    Free Guest Post
    بواسطة Adam Sorensen | adams@fiber.net
    Guest posting is one of the most effective link building methods in today's SEO world.
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    Zerys Writer Marketplace
    بواسطة Interact Media
    Zerys is a project manage tool designed specifically for content projects. It also has a built-in writer marketplace that gives you access to thousand …
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    Amumu Typewriter
    بواسطة Amumu
    타자기 처럼 텍스트를 표현 해주는 플러그인 입니다.
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    Reprint My Blog
    بواسطة LastLeaf
    This plugin help you to get the updates of writers' other blogs by checking feeds.
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    All Due Credit
    بواسطة Matt Refghi
    Credit those who helped by including a stylish list of names after any post, potentially including a Gravatar and link for each.