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أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

11 إضافة
  • plugin-icon
    WoW Progress
    بواسطة freevision.sk
    A widget that helps to display guild raid progress.
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    WOW Recruitment Widget
    بواسطة Freeman Man
    A widget that helps to display recruitment message of a World of Warcraft guild, also can be used for other games that have different classes.
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    WoW Guild Armory Roster
    Wordpress Plugin to display your World of Warcraft guild characters.
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    World of Warcraft Recruitment Widget
    بواسطة Yan Paiha
    An easy to use WoW Recruitmet Widget
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    Simple WoW Recruitment DE
    بواسطة -Danio-
    Dieses Plugin ermöglicht das einfache Rekrutieren von neuen Spielern für eine World of Warcraft-Gilde.
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    Tiny WoW colors
    بواسطة Laurent (KwarK) Bertrand
    Add some buttons to tiny admin editor, buttons for item WoW (epic, poor, rare, ...) and Youtube buttons
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    بواسطة Francis Carriere
    Adds a widget to your wordpress theme that gets the latest blue posts for Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and WoW.
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    Simple WoW Recruitment
    بواسطة tumichnix
    Dieses Plugin ermöglicht das einfache Rekrutieren von neuen Spieler für eine World of Warcraft Gilde.
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    WOW Server Status Widget
    بواسطة Freeman Man
    Easily add WOW Server Status 4.1 badge to your wordpress site by just a few clicks.
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    WoW Realm Status
    بواسطة Ryan Cain
    A widget for displaying the status of any World of Warcraft US Realm.
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    World of Warcraft PvP Widget
    بواسطة Evgeniy Burmakin
    Simple widget for displaying PvP ratings of chosen World of Warcraft character.