أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

18 إضافة
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    Cyr to Lat enhanced
    بواسطة Sol, Sergey Biryukov, Nikolay Karev, Dmitri Gogelia
    Converts Cyrillic, European and Georgian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.
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    Cyrlitera – transliteration of links and file names
    بواسطة Webcraftic
    The plugin converts Cyrillic, Georgian links, filenames into Latin. It is necessary for correct work of WordPress plugins and improve links readabilit …
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    SP RTL (RusToLat)
    بواسطة spoot1986
    This plugin converts Cyrillic characters in post, page slugs to Latin characters.
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    Allow Cyrillic Usernames
    بواسطة Sergey Biryukov
    Allows users to register with Cyrillic usernames.
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    Cyrillic Permalinks
    بواسطة Petko Bossakov
    Automatically transliterates Cyrillic letters in post and page permalinks to their Latin phonetic equivalent. Multi-language.
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    SAPE Links
    بواسطة ram108
    This plugin is in Russian language only.
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    translit it!
    بواسطة Ichi-nya
    Is used to put the slugs from Russian into English.
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    Russian texts proofreader Glvrd
    بواسطة Nick Lopin
    Главред помогает очистить текст от словестного мусора. Proofreads texts written in russian.
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    بواسطة Sergey Biryukov
    Allows to get Russian translations for your plugins automatically.
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    بواسطة Folk
    Useful for creating human-readable URLs.
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    بواسطة Trigur
    Плагин выводит актуальный гороскоп на день.
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    Radio Widget Popular
    بواسطة Иванов Тихон
    Радиоплеер для сайдбара
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    Feed Delay
    بواسطة ram108
    Delay posts from being appear in the RSS feed immediately after publication.
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    Plugin Name: Evgeny Muravjev Typograph
    بواسطة Evgeny Muravjev (typograph), Vladimir Sokolov (plugin)
    A tool to format the text using the rules, regulations and the specifics of the Russian language and screen typography.
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    Title Rus to Eng
    بواسطة ZetRider
    Автоматический перевод заголовка постов и страниц с Русского на Английский
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    بواسطة Buzzen
    The plugin makes transliteration of Russian links into English.
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    بواسطة dmpink
    Исправляет вывод количества комментариев в соответствии с правилами склонения существительных.
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    بواسطة Smiling_Hemp
    AVK-Shop allows you in automatic mode to sell of items from your website.