Plugins you need to get your projects done
15 إضافة
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    Tainacan is an open-source, powerful and flexible digital repository platform for WordPress.
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    Tainacan URL Metadata Type
    بواسطة tainacan
    This plugin is not required anymore if you are using Tainacan 0.21.0, as the URL metadata type has become an official metadata type inside the plugin.
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    Project Pages
    بواسطة Woody Hayday
    Beautiful, Simple, Project Portfolio's for WordPress, using the latest Semantic UI.
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    Информер ветки git
    بواسطة IKSWEB
    Плагин добавляет кнопку-информер в админ. панель в публичной части, с помощью которой можно узнать текущую ветку git, а так же изменить ее.
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    بواسطة ScoutDocs
    August, 2019: ScoutDocs is shutting down. Please don't install the plugin.
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    GitHub Repository Shortcode
    بواسطة Jim Valentine - f13dev
    Add a snapshot of your GitHub repository to any page or post on your WordPress blog.
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    Code Repository
    بواسطة Jameson Aranda
    Allows users to save scripts and code snippets, using the built-in WordPress post revisioning system.
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    WP GitHub Tools
    بواسطة Vilmos Ioo
    A plugin that inserts dynamic updates for any GitHub repository.
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    Show Repos
    بواسطة Joytou Wu
    Show your repo(s) on the wordpress through a simple shortcode. Modular structure, on-demand expansion, open source code. Show the code-managed reposit …
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    Block Repo Plugin Updates
    بواسطة Armando Lüscher
    Blocks plugin updates for any plugin whose folder looks like a code repo.
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    بواسطة Clearcode
    This plugin allows you to automatically send changes to your GIT repository, immediately after any update is made on your site.
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    بواسطة Clearcode
    This plugin allows you to deploy your WordPress site source code from git repository using webhooks.
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    Sell My Plugin
    بواسطة Rob Landry
    This plugin allows you to host your own plugins on your wordpress installation.
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    Github Widget
    بواسطة Erik Gregg
    Puts a list of your repositories on the sidebar. May be more configurable than other GitHub widgets.
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    SVN upgrade
    بواسطة Marin Crnković (
    Upgrade your WordPress to the latest release the most easiest way possible!