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13 إضافة
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    Code Prettify
    بواسطة Kaspars Dambis
    100% automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, fully automatic and pure awesome.
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    Code Click to Copy
    بواسطة WPJohnny, zerOneIT
    Copies and tags automatically to clipboard.
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    TinyMCE Preformatted
    بواسطة Takayuki Miyauchi
    TinyMCE Preformatted plugin will enable to insert preformatted text like <pre>...</pre> to WordPress Visual Editor.
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    pre Tag For WP Editor
    بواسطة Alexandru Vornicescu
    This WordPress plugin will help you add pre tags into wp_editor.
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    Codeblocks Extended with PrismJS
    بواسطة duplaja (Dan D.)
    Codebocks Extended with PrismJS includes syntax highlighting, copy to clipboard, and Visual + Text editor integration.
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    bbPress Code Snippets
    بواسطة Jason Bobich
    Automatically display HTML/PHP code posted in bbPress topics and replies.
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    بواسطة Matt Shelton
    WP-Markdown-SyntaxHighlighter works in conjunction with Markdown-formatted code blocks and SyntaxHighlighter to properly format code.
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    Goodbye Syntax Highlighter
    بواسطة Damien White (Visoft, Inc.)
    For years I've used Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter. It has served me well over the years. When I moved to WordPress I tried various plu …
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    بواسطة Damien White (Visoft, Inc.)
    WP Markdown Syntax Sugar is a simple plugin that works in conjunction with Markdown code blocks and highlight.js to properly format code.
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    Prism Syntax Highlighter
    بواسطة Dev7studios
    Prism is a new lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind, by
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    WP Chili
    بواسطة Andrea Ercolino
    Easy code highlighting for Wordpress with Chili
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    بواسطة Sharad Chhetri
    This plugin will simply define the css for HTML Preformatted and Code tags. Just download the plugin and activate. Please go through with F.A.Q .
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    Annytab Code Prettify
    بواسطة A Name Not Yet Taken AB
    A lightweight plugin that automatically prettifies code in [pre] tags, with linenumbers and without line-breaks.