أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

10 إضافات
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    PPWP - Password Protect Pages
    بواسطة BWPS
    Password protect WordPress pages and posts by user roles or with multiple passwords; protect your entire website with a single password.
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    Hide My Site
    بواسطة Justin Saad
    Choose a single password to protect your entire wordpress site from the public and search engines
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    Passster - Password Protect Pages and Content
    بواسطة Patrick Posner
    Password protect pages, your entire website or just parts of your content with a single password.
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    Very Simple Password for Wordpress
    بواسطة Lucas Bustamante
    A simple and lightweight password protection for Wordpress.
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    Smart Protect
    بواسطة Arepalabs
    Smart Protect offers a solution to protect your entire site and choose which pages within your site will not be protected, all in a simple and easy wa …
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    WP Privacy
    بواسطة 热前端团队
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    WP Double Protection
    بواسطة Maruti Mohanty
    This plugin allows a second password option and thus making your website doubly protected.
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    بواسطة AuthPro
    Adds AuthPro.com remotely hosted service support to your WordPress website.
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    Nucuta Password Protect
    بواسطة Liyanage at NUCUTA
    Secure your wordpress site with a password. Useful for private blogs.
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    Password Protect All Posts
    بواسطة Arvid Sollenby
    This plugin puts a global password selected by you on all posts. Based on Matt Mullenwegs plugin "Protect old posts"