أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

15 إضافة
  • plugin-icon
    LastFM Played for Wordpress
    بواسطة Nicolas Bettag
    Clean and simple recently played Last.FM Plugin for WordPress
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    Last.fm for Wordpress
    بواسطة Ricardo González
    Last.fm for WordPress displays your recently listened tracks in your WordPress blog.
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    Trancelantic Playlist
    بواسطة Wilfried Katschmarz, Enrico Petrarolo
    Trancelantic Playlist is a cool plugin that is able to display your currently played song on your website through a widget.
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    Latest Spotify Activity
    بواسطة Justin DoCanto
    A simple widget that displays your Spotify activity on your site. Powered by Spotify's built-in 'Last.fm Scrobble' functionality.
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    F13 Last.fm album Shortcode
    بواسطة Jim Valentine - f13dev
    Add information to you blog about a musical album using shortcode.
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    Last.FM Recent Tracks - Wordpress Plugin
    بواسطة Maksim Degtyarev
    With this plugin you can add your recent scrobbled tracks on Last.FM to your site.
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    WordPress Last.fm Charts
    بواسطة Sarah Vessels
    Shortcodes to display charts of Last.fm data for a particular user.
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    Last.fm Recent Plays - Wordpress Plugin
    بواسطة Arjen Tienkamp
    With this simple plugin you can easily add your most recent scrobbles on Last.fm to your WordPress website.
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    Last.fm Tabs
    بواسطة Felix Moche
    Displays Last.fm cover art, friends, charts, shouts, loved tracks and user info.
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    last.fm playlists
    بواسطة Rob McGhee
    Displays the tracks from a user selected playlist created at last.fm
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    بواسطة Kyle Hotchkiss [Productions]
    Last.wp is a Wordpress widget that shows your guests what you've been listening to on Last.fm, via a jQuery plugin!
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    last.fm Live!
    بواسطة Ryan Peel
    Widget to display your recently played tracks from last.fm LIVE! shows any song you play(& scrobble) on your site in realtime.
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    Last.fm RPS
    بواسطة Taha Paksu
    Widget Plugin that lists your recently listened songs on your sidebar with album or artist images and text.
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    Playlist Log
    بواسطة cadeyrn
    The plugin has two parts:
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    بواسطة Michael Schmitt (schmiddim@gmx.at)
    The Widget show's the your recent track's and if you're listening to music at the moment.