أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

14 إضافة
  • plugin-icon
    WPCore Plugin Manager
    بواسطة Stuart Starr
    Create plugin collections and install them in one click on any WordPress site.
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    Force Reinstall
    بواسطة Richard Muvirimi
    Easily force a Plugin or Theme reinstall from WordPress.org
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    Bulk Plugin Installation
    بواسطة Bee Estudio Web
    Allows you to install one or more plugins simply by typing their names or download URLs in a textarea.
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    Force Plugin Updates
    بواسطة Julio Potier
    You may need to reinstall any of your plugins, juste check the plugins' box, select "Update", and that's all!
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    WordPress Changelog
    بواسطة Webolatory Team
    WordPress changelog - logs any uploads, updates, installations/uninstallations, activations/deactivations of themes, plugins and WordPress core.
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    Change WP URL
    بواسطة Chris Nowak - KARMA Progressive Interactive
    Use this only if you're trying to move your WordPress install to another domain.
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    Simple Tag Manager
    بواسطة Daniel Sedmak
    Easily and automatically add Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics in your website.
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    See More Themes
    بواسطة Sean Davis
    See more themes when viewing installed themes or adding new ones.
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    WP Enterprise Launch Deploy
    بواسطة Tor N. Johnson
    Automates the entire process for migrating your wordpress install from a test/development/source server to the live/destination server.
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    Plugin Reinstaller
    بواسطة Hiroaki Miyashita
    The Plugin Reinstaller plugin enables the bulk plugin reinstall.
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    WP Plugin Installer
    بواسطة Pete Mall
    Allows the user to install the development version of a plugin for testing purposes.
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    Extension Manager
    بواسطة Christian Schenk
    This plugin helps you to install, upgrade, delete and search for plugins and themes.
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    CleanUp WP
    بواسطة Aris Kuckovic
    Removes all premade content, sets robots.txt, creates a default navigation and more! One click, and you're done!
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    Add BigFish Games Catalog
    بواسطة XML BigFishTest.com Team
    This plugin adds game catalog from http://www.bigfishgames.com/?afcode=afd63cd4ad992 to your Blog.