Back to Support Content and Media Blocks Podcast Player Block

Podcast Player Block

Use the Podcast Player block to display a listing of recent episodes from a podcast and play them on your website. Here’s an example:

Episode 30: The Magic of Meetups

On this episode of the Distributed podcast, we dig into the good, the bad, and the history of Automattic meetups. More
  1. Episode 30: The Magic of Meetups
  2. Episode 29: Dylan Field, Figma Co-founder, Talks Design, Digital Economy, and Remote Culture with Host Connie Yang
  3. Episode 28: Erica Pandey of Axios on Returning to Work

Inserting a Podcast Player Block

To add a Podcast Player block, click on the block inserter icon to open the block library and select the Podcast Player block.

Gif of inserting a podcast player block by clicking on the inline + inserter, typing Podcast, clicking the Podcast Player icon, then it inserts a Podcast Player block.
Inserting the Podcast Player block

Alternatively, you can type /podcast on a new line and press Enter.

For more information, visit our detailed instructions on adding blocks.

Configuring a Podcast Player Block

After inserting the block, there will be a field where you can enter the RSS feed URL of a podcast.


You must enter a valid podcast RSS feed URL. For example, is a valid feed but is not.

Enter your URL and submit to insert your podcast.

Gif of Podcast Player block RSS link being entered into the URL field, the Embed button clicked, and the resulting Podcast Player being shown.
Configuring the Podcast Player block.

Block Toolbar

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The Podcast Player block has the following options in its toolbar:

Block Settings

When you select a block, you will find additional block settings in the right sidebar. If you do not see the sidebar, you may need to click the Settings icon in the top-right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The settings icon in the Editor with a tooltip "Settings" below it.
Click the Settings icon to open the block settings

The Podcast Player block has the following settings:

Podcast Settings

  • Number of items – controls how many episodes will be displayed (most recent first).
  • Episode – choose a single episode from your podcast to be displayed.
  • Show Cover Art – toggles the display of the podcast’s cover art (if available).
  • Show Episode Title – toggles the display of the title for the currently selected episode.
  • Show Episode Description – toggles the display of the description for the currently selected episode.

Color Settings

  • Primary Color – controls the color used for “primary” elements in the block display (eg: titles, active episodes).
  • Secondary Color – controls the color used for “secondary” elements in the block display (eg: descriptions, non-active episodes).
  • Background Color – controls the color used as the background color for the block.
Color palette panel for the Podcast Player block showing Primary, Secondary, and Background color options.


For more, visit our detailed instructions on Advanced settings.

Block Styles

In the block settings sidebar, click on the Styles icon to access the design settings for the block. The Styles icon is in the shape of a circle with half of the circle filled in:

An arrow points to the Styles icon that you can click to open up the block styles section.


For more, visit our detailed instructions on Dimension settings.

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