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Add a Site Icon

A site icon, also known as a favicon, is a unique icon representing your website. This guide will show you how to add a site icon to your site.

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Where Site Icons Appear

The site icon is displayed in several places including:

Here are several examples:

Site icon (favicon) on a desktop browser tab.
Site icon as the favicon on a desktop browser tab
Site icon (favicon) on a mobile device shortcut.
Site icon on a mobile device shortcut
Browser tab and search results

Add Your Site Icon

You can upload a site icon by following these steps:

  1. Starting from your dashboard, navigate to Settings → General.
  2. Click on “View” in the upper-right corner and ensure the “Default view” is selected:
An arrow points to View in the top right corner, and the default view is highlighted.

If you do not see the “View” option in the upper-right corner, you can visit the “Site Identity” section directly by clicking this link will take you directly to where you can edit your site icon.

  1. Click on the “Change” button underneath “Site Icon“:
An arrow points to the 'change' button.
  1. Note that you may need to click on Site Identity before being able to choose an image, depending on your theme.
  2. Your site’s Media will open where you can:
  3. After selecting an image, click the “Continue” button. You may then be given an option to crop the image to ensure it’s square. You can also skip the cropping step if you wish.
  4. Click the “Done” button when you’re happy with the icon, and your changes will be saved automatically.

Site Icon Image Guidelines

The image file for your site icon should meet the following criteria:

Here are some actionable tips you can follow:

  1. Keep it simple. Remember, you don’t have a lot of space to play around with!
  2. Keep it recognizable. Try to encapsulate your brand in the small space you have to work with. If you’re used to using a logo that isn’t a tiny square, try to create something that evokes that logo rather than unnecessarily squeezing the whole original in.
  3. Use as little text or lettering as possible. Remember that the favicon is a small image. Even if your usual logo has your company name spelled out, keep it concise in your favicon.
  4. Think about color. Different web browsers (like Google Chrome, Safari, and Edge) use different color palettes. And, with the increasing popularity of dark mode, you’ll want to ensure your favicon looks great regardless of the user’s browser. Ensure the favicon looks good and stands out on white, gray, and black background colors.

Remove a Site Icon

You can remove a site icon you added by following these steps:

  1. Starting from your dashboard, navigate to Settings → General.
  2. Click on the “Remove” button underneath “Site Icon” and click ‘OK‘ to confirm.
An arrow points to the 'remove' button.

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