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Media Settings

The Media Settings found at Settings → Media contain some extra options to control how your site’s media is displayed. This guide will explain each setting.

Access Your Media Settings

To visit the Media Settings:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. On the left side, hover your mouse over Settings near the bottom.
  3. Select Media.

Each setting found here is explained below.

Settings in the dashboard, with Media selected.
Settings → Media

Image Sizes

Here, you can change the maximum dimensions of images displayed on posts and pages. When setting a thumbnail size, the image will be cropped and resized to the setting. Medium and large images will keep the dimension proportions, taking the maximum width and height into account.

The Image Sizes settings
Image Sizes settings

An image carousel is an interactive slideshow or lightbox that users can navigate by clicking forward or backward arrows to cycle through the images. The Enable carousel option allows you to adjust settings for images displayed in a carousel (primarily the Gallery block.)

Image Gallery Carousel settings

The Background color option allows you to switch your site’s carousel to a white or black background (defaults to black).

Metadata refers to photo details like the aperture, camera model, focal length, and shutter speed. If an image file contains this photo metadata, it can be shown in the carousel by ticking this checkbox.

For images titles to show on the carousel, make sure the name itself contains spaces in between words. Titles that contain only underscores in between words will not show on the carousel.

Use the Comments option to enable or disable a commenting box on gallery images. You can check or uncheck the box next to “Show comments area in carousel”.

You can use the Tiled Galleries option to select whether you’d like to use a tiled mosaic-style layout (a thumbnail grid layout is the default).

You can turn off the carousel on your site:

Video Player

The default share setting allows you to include embed codes (for displaying videos on other websites) and download links (for saving the video file to a computer) for the videos you upload to your site. Learn more about sharing settings.

The default quality setting allows you to display your videos in higher quality by default. Keep in mind that higher-quality videos can be slower to load depending on the viewer’s internet speed.

Video Player settings
Video Player settings


Select which category to use for a podcast feed. Learn more by reading our Create a Podcast guide.

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