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Create a Contact Link

You can create clickable links for visitors to contact you more easily. This guide includes instructions for email, telephone, and Skype contact links.

Spammers use scripts to scrape websites looking for email addresses and phone numbers. If your email address or phone number is written plainly on a website, you may experience an increase in spam.

As an alternative, it’s common to use a contact form to provide an easy way for your website visitors to contact you without revealing your actual email address.

Alternatively, you could write the email address or phone number with spacing or by spelling out the symbols. For example, instead of using an email address like, write the address as hello at mygreatnewblog dot com.

Clickable email links are called “mailto” links. If a link is written as, clicking the link will open the user’s email program with a blank email and in the ‘to’ field.

To create a link that visitors can click on to write an email to you, you can use the Contact Info block. Alternatively, you can take the following steps to create a clickable email link manually:

  1. Type the text mailto:
  2. After the : symbol, type your email address.

You can add the resulting link to any text on your website. If you are not sure how to add a link to text, please see our Add Links to Text guide.

You can also add the link to a button as demonstrated below:

The mailto link is used as a button's link.
Add an email link to the Buttons block in the WordPress editor

Most modern mobile phone browsers include the ability to call a number directly from a website via the “Click to Call” feature. However, not all browsers automatically turn the phone number into a clickable link.

To ensure your phone number is a clickable link, you can use the Contact Info block. Alternatively, you can manually create a clickable phone link by adding tel: before the number in the link.

For example, if your phone number is +1 (333) 333 4444, link the text to tel:+1-333-333-4444. If you are not sure how to add a link to text, please see our Add Links to Text guide.

You can also add the link to the Buttons block as demonstrated below:

Add a clickable phone link to the Buttons block.
Add a phone link to the Buttons block in the WordPress editor

If you wish to share a WhatsApp phone number, use the WhatsApp Button block to add a WhatsApp icon that visitors can click to contact you on WhatsApp.

You can create a link that opens a Skype call.

If your Skype username is “skypeusername”, link the text to skype:skypeusername?call.

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