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Get Help in the Forums

In the forums, you can search for answers and ask for help from staff and other members of the community. This guide will share how to get started in the forums.

When to Use Forums

The forums are open to all users and are a great place to find support as a free user. If you have a paid plan, you can contact us with a private support request (but you’re welcome to use the public forums too!)

Anyone is also welcome to help others in the forums. If you know the answer to someone else’s question, go ahead and answer it! Visit our Volunteer Guidelines page to learn more about helping out in the forums.

The forums are focused on helping users. If you have a self-hosted/ website, you can find help in the separate support forums.

Start a Topic

When you have a question for the forums, take the following steps to post it in the public forums:

  1. Use the search feature to check if someone else has already asked and answered your question.
  2. Click the “Add new topic” button. If you are not logged into a account, you will be redirected to the login screen before you can post a new topic.
  3. Fill out the form with the following details:
    • Topic title: Summarize your question or issue in the title of your topic. The more descriptive your title, the better so forum visitors can quickly learn what your topic is about.
    • Site you need help with: Select which site in your account your topic is about.
    • Topic content: Write the details of your request here, following our tips for a good support request. We recommend using simple formatting and making use of lists if you have several questions or steps to share.
    • Forum: Choose which forum you want to post to:
  4. Tick the “Notify me of new replies” checkbox to get alerts when anyone responds to your topic.
  5. Click the “Publish” button to share your post publicly on the forums.
  6. Don’t worry if you don’t get an answer immediately — be patient while waiting for someone to answer your question.

Forum Rules

Our forums are a place where members of the community can help each other with their questions. To keep the forums friendly and helpful, we have drawn up the Forums Community Standards that we expect all forum participants to abide by.

Add Tags to Forum Topics

Tags help people find and contribute to your discussion. To tag a forum post:

  1. Visit a forum post.
  2. Look for the “Tags” option on the right side of the screen.
  3. Type the relevant tag(s) you wish to add.
  4. Click the “Add tags” button.

Help from Moderators and Staff

Some issues require staff member help. If you see or add a topic that you know needs staff intervention, you can add the modlook tag to the topic to make sure a staff member sees it.

All replies from staff will display the word “Staff” next to their username:

The "Staff" label is shown next to the username.

Flag Spam in the Forums

Spam is a violation of our forums’ code of conduct. If you see spam, you can add a tag that says spammer to the topic and another that says modlook to make sure staff see the spam so we can remove it.

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