Back to Support Content and Media Restore a Revision of a Page or Post

Restore a Revision of a Page or Post

The WordPress editor autosaves your work and stores a revision history for each page and post on your site. This guide will show you how to restore an earlier version of a page or post.

How to Save

While editing, your changes are automatically saved to your local device every 15 seconds and online about once per minute. At the top-right of the editing screen, you’ll see the notification move from Save Draft to Autosaving to Saved:

If you have not yet published the page or post, you can save it manually by clicking on the Save Draft link at the top of the page:

The toolbar at the top right corner of the page or post editor.

If you are editing a post or page that has already been published, autosave continues to work but will not overwrite the published content. The changes will not be displayed on the site until you click the Update button at the top of the screen:

If you go offline while editing or accidentally navigate away from a post/page while working on it, will save your post to your web browser’s local storage. When you return to the editor, you will see a note that says There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below.

A message at the top of the WordPress Editor that reads "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below." with a link to "View the autosave"

Click the X to return to the draft as-is, or click View the autosave to restore the most recent autosave. You can also browse the revisions to restore an earlier version of your content.

A revision is not stored for every autosave, just the last one the system captured. A revision is stored when you save manually or click Update/ Publish.

View Revisions

When you save a draft manually or select Update, a revision is created. Revisions allow you to view the recent changes and revert to an earlier version if necessary.

The number of previous revisions depends on your site’s plan:

To view the saved revisions of a page or post:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Pages or Posts.
  3. Click on the page or post you wish to edit.
  4. Open the settings sidebar.

If you do not see the sidebar on the right, click the Settings icon in the top right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The Settings icon at the top of the WordPress Editor highlighted.
The settings icon in the top right corner
  1. Click on Revisions.
The Page Settings sidebar with a highlight around the Revisions module.

Depending on your user role, the following revisions can be accessed:

Compare Revisions

On the left side of the revisions screen, the content is shown. New content added to the page is highlighted, while deleted content has a line crossed through it.

Each saved revision is listed on the right side, showing the following information:

The Revisions screen displaying a view of a revision.

You can select two different views when browsing revisions:

The Revisions screen displaying a split view comparing two revisions.
Split View

Restore a Revision

Once you have identified the version you wish to restore, click the Load button to return to the editor with the selected revision.

If you find it difficult to read the revision (since it displays in code instead of the rendered content), you can Load any revision to see the content in the editor and decide if it’s the correct version. If it’s not, return to Revisions and choose a different version.

The Load button is highlighted.
Load a revision

Restore Part of a Revision

If you want to restore a specific part of a revision without replacing the entire content, you can copy just the content you wish to restore. Follow these steps:

  1. View the revisions as described above.
  2. Highlight the part of the revision you want to recover.
  3. Right-click and select Copy or use cmd+c on Mac or ctrl+c on PC.
  4. Click Cancel to close the Revisions window without loading the entire revision.
  5. Insert a Custom HTML block in the position you want to add the copied content.
  6. Right-click and select Paste or use cmd+v on Mac or ctrl+v on PC to paste the part of the revision into the Custom HTML block.
  7. Click the ellipses (three dots) in the Custom HTML block toolbar and select Convert to blocks.

WP Admin Revisions

If you use the WP-Admin dashboard view, your revisions will look slightly different. However, the functionality remains the same.

You will still see a history of revisions as they’re described above, but the navigation between revisions is different. At the top of the screen, you will find a slider that you can use to load earlier page versions:

The WP-Admin revisions editor with the text "Compare Revisions of "Article Title" at the top.
WP Admin Revisions

Click the Compare any two revisions option to compare two revisions side by side. When you compare two revisions, the selected revision is on the right and the previous one is on the left.

Click Restore This Revision when you want to revert to a revision. This will restore the selected revision from the right.

Click Return to editor to return to the editor without restoring any revisions.

Other Tips to Recover Lost Content

If you ever lose content for a post or page you were working on and you cannot locate the content in the revisions, check these other common reasons why content can be lost:

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