Easily configure all XML sitemaps generated by the WordPress core
Última atualização
April 19, 2024
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WP Sitemaps Config

Since WordPress 5.5, an XML sitemaps functionality is provided in the WordPress core. These sitemaps let search engine crawlers find all URLs quickly and comprehensively.

But there is not any configuration interface. This plugin provides an option page for all XML sitemaps generated by the WordPress core.

WP Sitemaps Config let you easily

  • disable the XML sitemaps completely with a single click
  • remove the sitemaps for all public posts, pages, categories, tags, post formats and users
  • remove the sitemaps for all public custom post types and custom taxonomies
  • add the entries Priority, Change Frequency and Last Modification Date to each URL
  • exclude single posts and pages from the XML sitemaps
  • set the priority and change frequency for each post and page manually

This plugin is ready for multi sites. It requires WordPress 5.5 or higher. To use the XML sitemaps the PHP extension SimpleXML must run on your server.


You want to test WP Sitemaps Config before installing on your site? Try it out on your free dummy site and click here.

Read also more on Best Sitemap Plugins for WordPress in 2023

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