
WP Job Manager - Alerts

Allow registered users to save their job searches and create alerts which send new jobs via email daily, weekly or fortnightly.
Última atualização
June 28, 2024

Create custom alerts

Job Alerts provides you with a new shortcode to add to your pages which gives logged in users an alerts management page to add, preview, enable, disable, edit and delete email alerts. Alerts can be configured based on keywords and job types.

Create email alerts based on searches

Using the job filters to search for jobs? If you are logged in, you can save your search as an alert using the 'add alert' button.

Daily, weekly & fortnightly email alerts

Email alerts can be configured to be sent with several different intervals triggered by WordPress cron. Alerts are sent in plain text format and list all matching jobs posted during the interval Features:
  • Alert users to jobs they are interested in via email
  • Allow users to create alerts based on their search
  • Alerts triggered daily, weekly, or fortnightly
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