The missing gallery extension for the Ultimate Member plugin
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September 2, 2015
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Ultimate Member is a powerful and flexible plugin yet it doesn’t support user gallery natively. This plugin allowes yours to create a photo gallery and a video gallery in their profile.

Features of the plugin include:

Update: Multiple photo upload and video attach from url is now included. Gallery now can be shown based on user roles. For supported oEmbed providers go here

*Photo gallery – default supported fileytypes : gif, jpg, jpeg, png *Video gallery – default supported fileytypes : mp4 *Localization ready

You can supportmore filetypes by using ‘allowed_gallery_photo_types’ and ‘allowed_gallery_video_types’ filters.

You can customize the default look of the gallery by copying the gallery.php and video.php file in your theme’s ultimate-member/templates/profile folder.

Warning: videojs plugin is used to play video in the gallery, it couldn’t play videos other than mp4 in the video gallery. So its best to allow mp4 video file type for time being.


Please report any bugs or problems in the support forum. I’d love to help you out.

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