
Surbma | Recent Comments Shortcode

A simple shortcode to display recent comments.
Última atualização
April 8, 2023
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Surbma | Recent Comments Shortcode

A simple shortcode to display recent comments. You can use it in text widgets or with every shortcode enabled page builder.

The shortcode: [recent-comments] [recent-comments number=”10″ author=”” title=””]

There are seven parameters for this shortcode:

  1. author__not_in – Author ID to exclude from the list. Default: NULL to list all comments from all authors.
  2. number – Number of comments to return. Leave blank to return all comments. Default: 5
  3. order – How to sort comments: ‘ASC’ (Ascending – lowest to highest) or ‘DESC’ (Descending – highest to lowest). Default: DESC
  4. author – Do you want to hide the author? Just give an empty parameter: author=””
  5. title – Do you want to hide the title? Just give an empty parameter: title=””
  6. excerpt – Do you want to hide the excerpt? Just give an empty parameter: excerpt=””
  7. morelink – You can specify the text of the more link. Do you want to hide the more link? Just give an empty parameter: morelink=””

There is no mandatory parameter, you can use the shortcode as is.

IMPORTANT! This (or any other) shortcode is working only in a widget, if you or the theme has enabled the use of shortcodes in widgets. I’m not giving any description how you can do it, because there are a lot of posts out there. You can do a search for this: wordpress enable shortcodes in widgets

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