Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin.
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December 1, 2022
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Space gallery

Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin.

Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/08/14/space-gallery/

Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin. Its just another image slideshow show gallery. Space Gallery is a JQuery based slideshow plugin that provides smoky out of the fantasy effect to images. Bring in a smooth sliding effect to image views with this wonderful JavaScript slider.

Plugin configuration

Short code for pages and posts: Paste the given short code in the posts and pages. the name of the XML file available in the short code.

Add directly in the theme: Use the given PHP code to add the gallery to your theme files directly.

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