It allows to place counters and social sharing links to the most popular social networks like Menéame, Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, Tuenti or Bitac …
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March 29, 2016
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It allows to place counters and social sharing links to the most popular social networks like Menéame, Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, Tuenti or

It also has WordPress actions (add_action) and filters (add_filter) allowing to select the social sharing links we want to show.

The available functions are:

  • the_social_counters( $counters = array() ): Displays selected social counters.

    • $counters: Array with list of social counters to view, by default bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook
  • the_social_counters__get ( $counters = array() ): Returns the selected social counters.

    • $counters: Array with list of social counters to view, by default bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook
  • social_counter( $social_counter = '', $postparam = false, $linked = true ): Displays a particular social counter

    • $social_counter: Name of social counter, by default the options are bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook
    • $postparam: $post object to get the counter, by default system use global $post;
    • $linked: Simple option to de-activate link.
  • social_counter__get( $social_counter = '', $postparam = false, $linked = true ): Returns a particular social counter

    • $social_counter: Name of social counter, by default the options are bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook
    • $postparam: $post object to get the counter, by default system uses global $post var.
    • $linked: Simple option to de-activate link.

It’s also possible to define two constants in ‘wp-config.php’…

  • SOCIAL_COUNTER__LOAD_CSS: If we define this constant as false, the plugin will not load the default style.
  • SOCIAL_COUNTER__LOAD_CSS_SMALL: If we define this constanta as true, the plugin will load de small icons.
  • SOCIAL_COUNTER__TWITTER_USER: The twitter sharing link includes this username with the RT link.
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