
SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, SEO analyzer, SEO optimizer

SEO checker, content analysis & SEO optimizer. Rank higher on search engines with 301 redirects, XML sitemaps & one-click setup.
Última atualização
June 4, 2024
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SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, SEO analyzer, SEO optimizer

Give your site better SEO optimization & ranking with SmartCrawl. Improve keyword optimization, XML sitemaps, optimize your meta tags, titles and descriptions and boost your PageRank on Google.

If you’re looking for the best SEO plugin for WordPress, you need to give SmartCrawl a try. With SmartCrawl, there’s no more juggling settings, making guesses, and wondering if your SEO is properly optimized. Use SmartCrawl’s one-click setup, automatic XML sitemaps, improved social sharing, real-time keyword and content analysis, and scans and reports.

Create clear, bold, targeted content and rank at the top of your favorite search engine – from Google to Bing.

Access the complete SEO tool suite from the start with SmartCrawl Pro.

Level up immediately with exclusive Pro features like scheduled SEO audits & URL crawls, automatic linking, and location based redirects. Learn more about Pro.

Ferramentas de SEO do SmartCrawl para WordPress incluem:

  • One-Click Setup Wizard – Activate settings to boost your reach – no more guesswork!
  • SEO Checkup & Reports – Run a Checkup and get recommendations for improving SEO.
  • Titles & Meta Descriptions – Customizes how your meta titles and meta descriptions display on search pages.
  • Leverage Social Media – SmartCrawl includes Open Graph, Twitter card, and Pinterest verification and credits you when someone shares your posts.
  • Sitemap Generator – Choose which post types, archives and taxonomies you wish to include, exclude or add to the XML sitemap.
  • Smart Page Analyzer – SmartCrawl has an SEO checker that scans pages and posts for readability and keyword density and makes suggestions for optimizing your content.
  • SEO Crawl – Every time you add new content to your site, SmartCrawl will let Google know it’s time to re-crawl your site.
  • Schema Markup Support – Make it easier for search engines to understand the meaning of your content.
  • Schema Types Builder – Add and customize a range of schema markup types.
  • 301 Redirect – Use SmartCrawl to redirect traffic from one URL to another to protect your hard work and take advantage of high producing links.
  • Breadcrumbs – Easily add breadcrumb navigation to posts and pages for better SEO and user experience.
  • Integrate With Moz SEO Tools – Already using Moz? Connect your Moz reports and comparison analysis, including rank and links.
  • Quick Setup Import/Export – Quickly add your custom SmartCrawl SEO settings to all your sites with included import.


“O SmartCrawl foi projetado para aumentar o tráfego sem fazer você pular nos aros ou fazer grandes alterações no site. Ao incluir os métodos mais eficazes de otimização e trabalhar no piloto automático, o SmartCrawl oferece mais tempo para outras áreas do seu blog. À medida que você trabalha e cresce, sabe que o SmartCrawl está de volta.” – Neil Patel

SmartCrawl Desbloqueia códigos escondido de SEO Para WordPress

SEO não precisa ser difícil! O SmartCrawl otimiza seu site com um clique e facilita o ajuste e a personalização com várias dicas profissionais para conquistar os visitantes.

Checkup grátis para SEO

SmartCrawl irá examinar seu site e encontrar maneiras para otimizar seu conteúdo e fazer ele mais ser mais visualizado pelos mecanismos de busca. Evite erros humanos com SmartCrawl! Ela irá ajudar a criar melhores links, tags, descrição, imagens, sitemaps, âncoras e uma melhoria geral da estrutura da página.

Analise o Conteúdo e Obtenha Sugestões em Tempo Real

SmartCrawl runs content analysis in both the post and page editor. Get instant feedback with suggestions for improving your content – SmartCrawl will make your site easier to read and find.

Faça Seu Conteúdo Ser Reconhecido Em Mídias Sociais Com Open Graph

Use Open Graph, Twitter Cards, and Pinterest verification to connect Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube and almost every social network for sharing and crediting your content. Take full advantage of viral content with SmartCrawl’s social integrations.

SmartCrawl tem o controle completo de SEO para Multisite

SmartCrawl lhe oferece a opção para controlar as configuração de SEO em toda uma rede como um superadministrador ou configurações de otimização de pesquisa eficientes para proprietários de sites individuais. Faça alterações em massa para o Multisite ou otimize cada site.

301 URL Redirect

Automatically redirect traffic from one URL to another. Use this tool if you have changed a page’s URL and wish to keep traffic flowing to the new page.

Full Schema Support

SmartCrawl has full support for default schema types and makes it easy for you to let search engines know what your data means, not just what it says.

Schema Types Builder

Add and customize the properties of schema markup types including: Article, Web Page, Rating and Review, Products, Local Business, and more.


Use breadcrumbs to help site visitors with navigation and improve on-page SEO. Customize breadcrumb appearance with a click and easily add them to posts, pages, and archives using a shortcode or PHP code.

The Rank-Higher Convert-Better SEO Tool

Search Engine Optimization is not a trick, it’s all about following best practices.

If you’re running a business website or eCommerce store and are not properly optimizing your sites, you will lose sales.

SmartCrawl is here to help you: it’s a one of a kind WordPress search engine optimization plugin that makes your site easier to find and improves website ranking, for free!

You get our WordPress search optimization tools, which includes the XML sitemap generator, auto-notify search engines when a change is made on your site, integration with MOZ, scans and recommendations, readability checks and so much more.

Smartcrawl is built with ease-of-use in mind: it makes your WordPress site easier to find, but it’s also simple to set up. Run a scan and implement recommended changes in one-click, improving your PageRank in mere minutes. If you need a fully-optimized WordPress site, you should get a WPMU DEV Membership.

Our Membership gives you access to SmartCrawl Pro – which features automated scanning, reports, automatic linking for specific keywords, Crawler that checks for broken URLs, 404s, and multiple redirections – alongside Smush Pro image optimization, all our premium WordPress plugins, and 24/7 WordPress support.

It’s an incredible deal, and you can find out more here.

Take the next step with a WPMU DEV Membership.

What Do People Say About SmartCrawl?


I love the color-coded grading system. It lets me see my SEO effectiveness at a glance. Works great! – elbeedee


I must say that after Yeosting someone else’s plugin for a few years, this interface is much more user-friendly. I am not sure yet, as to its results, but I am happy so far. – billk6969


Took all the mystery out of how to speed up my site! I love this plugin! – vdeluca


There are good developers and then there are great developers. This developer is great! Super high-quality product that works seamlessly without error. I can tell a lot of thought went into creating this software. – Tim Slazyk

A Note From SmartCrawl

Hey! This is SmartCrawl, your trusted Search Engine Optimizer for WordPress. I’m part of the WPMU DEV team, a superhero-suite of WordPress plugins, services, and support. Here are some of our other free plugins:

  • Smush Compressão e Otimização de Imagens
  • Forminator – Form, Quiz, Poll and Survey Builder
  • Hummingbird – Otimização da velocidade da página
  • Hustle – Pop-ups, Slide-ins e Email Opt-ins
  • Defender – Security, Monitoring and Hack Protection

And if you need ALL our Pro plugins, services, AND 24/7 WordPress support, get WPMU DEV membership!:

My superhero friends run the WPMU DEV Blog, your source of the very best WordPress tutorials. If you need to be in the know about WordPress, check it out.

Thanks for looking at SmartCrawl, and I look forward to helping you rank higher with the very best SEO practices.

Enjoy, SmartCrawl

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WPMU DEV is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Join us here:

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