
Pre Date Future Post

Allows you to set posts to appear automatically in the future, but have a post date in the past.
Última atualização
October 14, 2008
Instalações ativas

Allows you to set posts to appear automatically in the future, but have a post date in the past. For instance, your blog may be a diary and you need to catch up on a few entries. You write 5 entries that cover the last couple of weeks, but want to release the new entries in a trickle of one per day instead of just publishing them all at once. That is where this plugin helps.

How to use it:

  • Write the post and set the post date to the actual date in the past that the post was for.
  • Set the post status to “Pending Review” and save it.
  • A new section will appear below the post text called “Make Post Public Date”.
  • Enable it, and now set the date and time for the post to automatically become public.
  • Save the post again.
  • That’s it. At the date and time that you set in “Make Post Public Date”, the post will automatically be changed from “Pending Review” to “Published” and it will appear on your blog with a post date in the past.


  • A new column will be added to the post list showing the future date that each “Pending Review” post will be made public.
  • All times and dates uses the current timezone as set for your blog.


Much of the code from the Post Expirator plugin by axelseaa was filched but has since been modified beyond much recognition.

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