Easily purge Nginx cache. Each time a post is modified clear the cached version of the page and of all the related page.
Última atualização
May 5, 2014
Instalações ativas

Each time an element of your blog is modified (post, page, media, custom post) its cached version, and of all the related elements (categories, archives and custom taxonomies) are deleted.

In this way your cache has always the latest version of the page.

Extra :

  • Two extra HTTP header are added to the response so that you can see if the page you are viewing is cached and when it was cached.
  • A logging system allow you to see which page were cached and when.
  • You can add personal URLs to be purged when the post is modified
  • Purge of future posts is handled with an external script.
  • Integration with NextGEN Gallery plugin.

Credits :

  • This plugin is based on the structure of famous NextGEN Gallery plugin.
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