
Landing Page Creator With Custom Posts

Create landing pages, A-B tests, or other types of pages using custom posts. Set background color, background image or video, amount of content column …
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May 27, 2019
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Landing Page Creator With Custom Posts

Create landing pages, A-B tests, or other types of pages using custom posts. Set background color, background image or video, amount of content columns and edit as a common post.

Important: Requires at least version 5.4.9 of PHP language

  • Create ou convert native WordPress pages in ‘Landing Pages’.
  • Add scripts inside the head and body tags of pages defined as landing page.
  • Set a menu for your landing page using the default editor allowing for free customization, your creativity is the limit.
  • Create sections to be included in landing pages, allowing you to create different page variations, A-B tests and content reuse;
  • Customize sections by defining background and text colors, adding images or videos as background, and setting your placement.


  • Português – Default!
  • English: Must have!


  • Thanks to Elliot Condon for developing [Advanced Custom Fields] plugin ( and allowing inclusion in this plugin. The “LPCCP” plugin uses a free version of ACF4 to create custom fields for custom posts and pages.
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