
Knowledgeblog ArrayExpress

This plugin extracts metadata from ArrayExpress submission metadata using the [aexp] shortcode.
Última atualização
May 27, 2011

Interprets the [aexp] shortcode to extract and display metadata from the ArrayExpress XML API. The correct shortcode format is [aexp = “id”]metadata[/aexp] Where id is the accession number of the ArrayExpress holding you wish to interrogate and metadata is one of the following types

species : returns species accession : returns linked accession submissiondate : returns submission date lastupdate : returns last update date releasedate : returns release date name : returns short experiment description description : returns long experiment description score : returns MIAME scores (out of 5) contact : returns contact email address and role if supplied citation : returns citation, publication information and link to PubMed if supplied datafiles : returns links to raw and processed data files, sdrf and idf files png : returns and links the experimental design png svg : returns and links the experimental design svg assays : returns the number of assays samples : returns the number of samples arraydesign : returns and links to the array platform experimenttypes : returns the experiment types (time course data, aCGH, dye swapped etc.) experimentalfactors : returns the experiment factors (drug dose, timepoints, genotypes, compounds etc.) sampleattributes : returns the sample attributes (organism part, developmental stage, tissue source, sex, strain etc.)


This plugin is copyright Daniel Swan, Newcastle University and is licensed under GPLv2.

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